Who's in it: Jennifer Carpenter, Laura Linney, Tom Wilkinson
What's is about: Based on a true story, Emily Rose(Carpenter) was taken over by demonic forces. Father Moore(Wilkinson) was left in charge of her life when she got to her worst. On Halloween, he decided to perform an exorcism, with her and her family's permission. This exorcism failed and resulted in her death. Now, Father Moore is in a court case against The People. He starts to tell her story to the jury with help from his non-believer lawyer, Erin(Linney).
What I Think: This movie scared me in a way that other movies haven't been able to. Me being Catholic and all, the thought of having demons inside of my body scares the living daylights out of me. The visions that she had and the things that she experienced were very frightening. The end of the movie was very twisted and I was surprised by it. It makes you really begin to wonder what God has in store for us.
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