Who's in it: Reese Witherspoon, Ethan Randall, Sarel Bok
What's it about: Nonnie(Witherspoon) has lived in Africa her whole life. Her family tries to save elephants and stop poachers. When some tourists come to stay at her house, she meets Harry(Randall), a snobby city boy. When a band of poachers attack Nonnie's house while she's roaming the night, she is left with no family and nobody except Harry and her best friend Xhabbo(Bok). Together they are forced to cross the Kalahari desert to the closest town, which is 2000 kilometers away. They spend 2 long months living off of the talents of Xhabbo and the faith of their souls.
What I Think: I watched this movie with my family while we were visiting more family in Ohio. I saw Witherspoon and was blown away! She was so young, but she still has the same mannerisms that she has today! I liked Randall and thought that he was really funny. Bok had a funny way of talking but I thought he was really cool. The story was kind of weird, but it was alright. I wish I could get tan like that without spending time in the desert! The setting was very... sandy.
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