Who's in it: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen
What's it about: Bryan(Neeson) is a distant but loving father to his only daughter Kim(Grace). All of her life, he's never missed a birthday, but his job caused him to miss most everything else. After the divorce from his wife Lenore(Janssen), everything has been different. Kim now has a rich stepfather and suprises her with a tour of Europe for her birthday. Bryan allows this but only on the condition of Kim keeping in close touch with her while she's away. When she leaves, Bryan gets a call from her and someone has kidnapped her friend and her. Bryan must now search the area and find his daughter before she is sold into the market as a prostitute.
What I Think: This movie had a whole bunch of action! Like ridiculous things that I would love to learn. The things that Liam Neeson had to perform were just perfect and I loved it! Grace played a very realistic and interesting character. I don't know if Janssen's character was supposed to act a bit uncaring, but I really didn't buy her character. The way that she would say things made me feel like she was part of it the whole movie until the end. The was that Neeson was pretty much the only person that really mattered the whole movie was very interesting. I watched the movie again to make sure that I could understand more concepts.
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