Who's in it: Emile Hirsch
What's it about: Throughout his life, Chris(Hirsch) has always felt held back by the material possessions that control the world. After graduating with near perfect grades, he leaves his home without notice and goes on a journey to find himself. He meets several people along the way that encourage him, but also think that he should at least let his family know that he's alright. After walking around the western states, he decides that his final quest is to find a place and stay in Alaska for a while.
What I Think: This movie was based on the true story of Christopher Johnson McCandless. It was also turned into a book by Jon Krakauer. I thought that they played out the story of his life very well. Hirsch did an outstanding job as a nature lover and a man living on his own in the wild. It was interesting to watch his calm way of living turn to a frantic need to survive. He lived quite sophistically by himself and I loved his inablity to truely become embaressed. I wish that I had his talents to think things over the way that he did. It was also amazing to learn about a man who truely believed that he didn't need money to survive in the world. There are scenes of nudity that I didn't like and weren't needed to me.
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