Who's in it: George Clooney, Renée Zellweger, John Krasinski, Jonathan Pryce
What's it about: The Duluth Bulldogs are a professional football team. Dodge(Clooney) is the captain. When he hires young war-hero Carter(Krasinski), his team starts to get a new captain. A young reporter, Lexie Littleton(Zellweger), is out to get Carter and his war-hero story. C.C.(Pryce) is the manager for Carter and is trying to get everything back on track when Littleton reveals Carter as a phony hero.
What I Think: Having the movie filmed in my hometown, Greenville, was a great experience for us. We absolutely loved to have the attention and the stars. Watching this movie was great because I recognized the places where each scene took place and that was wonderful. Zellweger can always pull off an oldies girl with her skin tone and voice. Clooney was handsome as always and everyone loved him. Krasinski went a long way from 'The Office' to 'Leatherheads' and I say that he did a great job.
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