Who's in it: Matthew Modine, Samuel L. Jackson, Nancy Travis, Eric Stoltz, Max Pomeranc
What's it about: Tom(Modine) dies in a car crash that he barely remembers. His soul is transferred to a newly born homeless puppy. As he grows up as a dog, he meets Rumbo(Jackson). They have their own adventrues until Rumbo dies from a gunshot. Now he's remembering that his best friend and business partner, Jeff(Stoltz), was the one that killed him. In a desperate attempt to save his wife, Carol(Travis), and his son, Brian(Pomeranc), he must find and fix everything that he's ever done.
What I Think: This was one of my childhood favourites. I first saw it in Ohio with my family on a summer trip. I didn't quite remember it as well as I thought I had, and was slightly surprised about the ending. I thought that the story was well thought out and played. A little much at times, but nothing more than a movie today with all sorts or weird and different scenes. I was impressed that a 1995 movie was done so well. The special effects during the soul transfer was kind of sad, but I loved it all the same. Great performance by Pomeranc and Travis. Stoltz could have acted a little more evil to portray the character that Fluke thought he was.
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