Who's in it: Kevin Bacon, Charlize Theron, Stuart Townsend, Courtney Love, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Dakota Fanning
What's it about: Always wanting to bring families back together, Joe(Bacon) is targeting a new family. Karen(Theron) and Will(Townsend) are separated by a presentation that Will must make, leaving Karen with their only daughter Abigail(Fanning). Joe, his wife Cheryl(Love), and his other partner Marvin(Taylor) work together to keep the family apart for 24 hours in order to make them realize that they need to spend more time together. What Joe didn't find out is that Abigail has severe athsma and must be medicated several times every day. After finding this out, the family works together to bring everything to a stop before someone gets hurt.
What I Think: I have to say that the one thing that I really liked about this movie was Kevin Bacon. He really brought out his character. I also loved the spiderweb tattoo that was around his bellybutton. I loved the acting from everybody. Theron is absolutely gorgeous, as is Love. Townsend's accent left me breathless and his wit left me wanting to know what he would do in other situations. They really sold themselves in this movie and I want to definitely see more movies with the like of them in it.
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