Who's in it: Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Bryan Brown, David Gulpilil, Brandon Walters, David Wenham
What's it about: The death of her wealthy husband sends Lady Sarah Ashley(Kidman) to the down under. In Australia, she meets the Drover(Jackman) who leads her to Far Away Downs, their cattle droving business headquarters. There she meets Fletcher(Wenham), who abuses the Aboriginal women who live on the estate. Nullah(Walters) and his grandfather King George(Gulpilil) lead Lady Ashley and the Drover through the Never Ever Land to deliver the cattle before their rival King Carney(Brown). In a time when equality is out of the question and acceptance is hard to find, the Far Away Downs family is sent on a grueling journey to become the head cattle drovers in Australia.
What I Think: I have to say that I loved Kidman and Jackman in this movie. Everything about them was perfect. Kidman looked as if she were never in make-up. She's absolutely gorgeous even without it. Jackman, People's most recent Sexiest Man Alive was stunning. There were so many scenes where I just about died they were so romantic. The story was very inticing and I loved every thing that was thrown into it. The movie was very long but it was worth every second that passed. Walters did one of the best acting jobs I've ever seen a child perform. It was hard to take your eyes off such a cute little guy.
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