Who's in it: Malcolm McDowell
What's it about: Alex(McDowell) has always been a troublemaker. He is the leader of a gang that runs around thieving, beating, and raping people. When he is caught after murdering an elderly woman, he is sentenced 14 years in prison. After only 2 years, he is chosen for an experimental program to rid him of all evil intentions. He is, unknowingly, given a medication to make him feel sick, and then put in front of a screen with his eyes forced to stay open and shown awful evils. When he associates pain and sickness with evil doings, he is released into the world. He comes across all of his old enemies and they are taking advantage of his disability to fight back.
What I Think: Based on a novel by Anthony Burgess, this movie was pretty good. I thought that it was well written and well played out. The only thing that I didn't like was the mass nudity shown throughout the movie. I didn't mind so much seeing as the nudity actually played a role. This is a very old movie and I liked how it was made in a time like that. The sets were very great and the confrontation that Alex found within himself was great to go along with. I am new to McDowell, but I think that I'm going to check out some of his other stuff. He had a mesmerizing voice and I loved it.
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