Who's in it: Elisabeth Moss, Jason Lewis, Tom Malloy, John Savage, Catherine Mary Stewart
What's it about: The Callan family has moved into a new house and when Emma(Moss) starts to see a ghostly twin, she begins to believe that her father(Savage) and mother(Stewart) killed her twin sister as a baby. Detective John Tucker(Lewis) is there to help her and truely beleives her. He big brother, Frankie(Malloy), and everyone else don't believe a word that she says. It's up to Tucker and Emma to prove her innocense, or prove her insanity.
What I Think: This movie is the second worst movie I've ever seen besides Sight. I was not impressed with anything. The cameras quality was awful as were the angles they were set at. I was actually sad that this movie wasn't good because the cover art looked great. I guess that's just marketing though. The acting was horrid. The storyline was difficult to understand and there were huge mistakes during the movie. Especially at the end where they royally messed up. If you want to laugh, this is the movie!
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