Who's in it: Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, Alicia Keys, Jennifer Hudson, Sophie Okonedo, Paul Bettany
What's it about: After accidentally killing her own mother, Lily(Fanning) has always felt empty. She only has a few of her mother posessions left and decides to go with her nanny, Rosaleen(Hudson), to Tiburon, South Carolina. There she meets her mothers old friends August(Latifah), June(Keys), and May(Okonedo). The three of them take Lily and Rosaleen in and make them right at home. Here Lily learns the life that her mother led and what really happened in contrary belief of her abusive father, T-Ray(Bettany).
What I Think: This movie was based on the novel by Sue Monk Kidd. I read the novel in high school and swear that it was the best book I have ever had the priviledge to read. It's mostly for girls though. This movie was a little off, but it got through the main idea of the novel. I loved Fanning most of all. She was exactly the way that I had pictured Lily in the book. It's amazing how Kidd would use such a simile for the human race beign like a hive of bees. Extraordinary book and movie.
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