Who's in it: Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, John Hodgman, Robert Bailey Jr., Keith David
What's it about: A new house means a new life to Coraline Jones(Fanning). Her mother(Hatcher) and father(Hodgman) are working on a plant information guide and are never wanting to do anything with Coraline. She walks around and meets her neighbor, Wybie(Bailey). Wybie gives her a doll that he found that looks exactly like Coraline. When she finds a small door that leads her to another world with a fmaily the exact opposite of hers, she begins to become happy. The only problem is they have buttons for eyes. The cat(David) that she meets tells her of the awful side of her new world and now it's up to her to save her family from the evil on the other side of the door.
What I Think: This is based on the novella by Neil Gaiman. I love the claymation of this movie. I saw the trailer for this one and couldn't help but want to see the rest of it. My boyfriend and I saw it for Valentine's Day. I was very excited to see something that was very different and rarely made anymore. The storyline was perfect and the twists were great. I was completely shocked at times at the movie because the trailer didn't really give anything away except that it was going to be a great movie. I love the voiceovers and the different actors and actresses were perfect for each role.
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