Who's in it: Jessica Ellis, Zak Kilberg, Terry Erioski, Laura Bach, Travis Wood, Billy Beck, Adriana Esquivel, Eva Derrek
What's it about: Dana(Ellis), Tyler(Erioski), Iggy(Kilberg), Heather(Bach), Brandon(Wood), and Razz(Beck) are hired to clean an old, abandoned house for a weekend. The gang of them uncover an ancient spellbook and release a She Demon(Esquivel) into the world. After the Demon is released, she begins to knock off the friends one by one. When only Dana and Iggy are left, the witch, Madam Izriah(Derrek), herself is reincarnated. The last step for her permanent reincarnation is an ultimate sacrifice, but with only two people left in the house, the odds don't look good.
What I Think: Again with the poorly made horror film. I am disappointed that I keep picking crap to watch. The entire movie was completely stupid. It had the potential with the storyline, but then the acting and attempt at comedy towards the end just killed it. If the dialogue had just been shortened, maybe it wouldn't have been so stupid. The acting was horrid, but the setting was great. I will repeat that the movie had potential, but bad decisions put it under and out. The effects were ridiculously stupid. Makeup artist had skills. Special effects artist need to stop. I thought that some of the nudity was just not needed.
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