Who's in it: Paul Walker, Tyrese, Eva Mendes, Cole Hauser
What's it about: Brian(Walker) is back. After being caught on the run, he's dragged into another police investagation. Word on the street is that Carter Verone(Hauser) is selling drugs and about to leave the country for good with all of his money. He races to get a job for Verone with his old friend Roman(Tyrese). With Monica(Mendes) on their side, the duo only have to find the evidence. Verone refuses to go down that easily though. It's up to Brian, Roman, and their street racing friends to put Verone behind bars.
What I Think: I don't think that this was better than the first Fast and Furious. I definitely miss Vin Diesel. I think that him being in the first one really made the movie what it was. Ludacris, who was also in this movie, was great. I think he has alot of talent! Walker was alot more leanient this time and I thought it allowed for him to be more of his character. Tyrese was hilarious! Mendes was alright. There weren't many scenes with her and I guess that really messed with me. The cars were awesome. I also loved the effects that they did. Walker really has the mind of a street racer!
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