Who's in it: Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway
What's it about: Since they were young girls, Liv(Hudson) and Emma(Hathaway) have always wanted to have their weddings at the Plaza in June. When they are both finally engaged, they set up their dates and start to plan. When they find out that there was a bit of confusion and their weddings are both set for the same day, a fight begins. Liv and Emma go from best friends to arch enemies. They try to sabotage the others wedding as much as they can because they want their wedding to be over the top.
What I Think: Hudson and Hathaway were one of the best female duos I think I've ever seen. It was amazing how different they were in personality but how well they connected on screen. The story was great and planned out to the very dot. I am so happy to see Hathaway in this light and I think that it suits her more than in Princess Diaries. Hudson was just the same nutty girl that she is in a lot of movies and I love it. I was so happy in the end but kind of sad at the same time. I love happy endings and my favourite guy won in the end despite the female stars!
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