Who's in it: Zach Braff, Natalie Portman, Peter Sarsgaard
What's it about: Andrew Largeman(Braff) has been away from his house for over 9 years. The death of his paraplegic mother leads him back home. When he reunites with his friend Mark(Sarsgaard), things seem to be a little calmer. Andrew is severly medicated by his father who is a local psychiatrist, but Andrew goes to the hospital and requests a new psychiatrist. While he's off of his old mediations, he meets Sam(Portman) who is an epileptic compulsive liar. They go on a journey with Mark to get Andrew a wonderful present. Andrew gets on a plane to go back to his home in L.A. but his love for Sam is holding him back.
What I Think: I was surprised to find out that Zach Braff wrote, directed, and starred in this movie! I thought that the plot was wonderful, the twists here and there were wonderful, the music outstandingly complimented the movie, and the acting was superb. I loved everyone in this movie and I watched it twice. I will definitely own this movie in the future. It wasn't bright and happy like some movies. It was very serious and kind of realistic. I like movies that I can relate to and when the actors seem more like realistic people. Kudos to everyone who went into making this movie. I loved the part that Jim Parsons played!
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