Who's in it: Vince Mola, Jamil Mangan
What's it about: George(Mola) has been away from his summer home for years. His grandmother has died and left her house. Of course, she died five years ago. He comes back to take the house before it becomes demolished and tries to fix it up. The neighborhood is against him and does pretty much anything that they can in order to stop him. His nextdoor neighbor has her grandson(Mangan) help him to fix up the house. Together they start to get alot of work done. The basement becomes flooded and George begins to have weird realistic dreams. He believes that Satan is out to get him.
What I Think: Another fairly low-budget film that had the potential to be great. Sometimes I wish that some of these great ideas would be supported by big movie makers. The acting was pretty good from Mola, but Mangan was a little off. the setting was great and camera angles were good. I think that this movie was so full of confusion because the makers wanted it to be great and didn't want the audience to guess the end. Well, in my opinion, I think that you need to have some clues for the ending and then have a couple confusing parts. Then there are several resolutions at hand. All in all, OK movie.
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