Who's in it: Luke Wilson, Kate Beckinsale
What's it about: On the way home, David(Wilson) and Amy(Beckinsale) take a few back roads to pass traffic. They're marriage is on the rocks and they are fighting. They stop at a garage to get the engine looked at. Their car then breaks down a mile down the road. They walk back to the garage and decide to stay at the motel there. They then find out that the room they are in has had murders filmed in it many times. Now it is their turn to try and avenge the deaths of the people before and themselves.
What I Think: I like Luke Wilson. Some of his best performances are in little known films. He really pulled out the character of David and even Amy. The story was actually really good too! I loved the twists and the smarts and everything about it. However, I didn't like the ending. I won't say what happened but I found it a bit cheesy. As for Beckinsale, I think that she should stick to Underworld. I think that she does so well in that kind of setting and story. This film didn't bring out the true talent that she possesses.
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